Excel Shortcut Keyboard: A Complete Guide | maijson GKB.
Discover Microsoft Excel's full potential with our comprehensive introduction to useful shortcut keys and reliable formulae. Learn how to use the Ctrl key combinations to traverse your spreadsheets like an expert, pick and change data quickly, and find shortcuts for formulas that will save you time while performing calculations. Getting the hang of these Excel tricks will boost your productivity, regardless of your level of experience. Explore our enlightening blog to improve your knowledge of Excel and transform the way you handle spreadsheets.
1. Shortcuts for navigating: By using these shortcuts, users can quickly and simply go to the worksheet's data limits.
Ø Ctrl + Right Arrow: Let's say you are in cell A1 and you need to go to the last column in this row that has data. You can navigate to the final occupied cell in that row by pressing Ctrl + Right Arrow.
Ø Ctrl + Left Arrow: Ctrl + Left Arrow can be used to navigate to the beginning of the data in a row when you are inside a cell in that row. You will be taken to the first filled cell in the current row by doing this.
Ø Ctrl + Down Arrow: Should you find yourself at cell A1 and would like to move to the last row of data in the current column, press Ctrl + Down Arrow. You will then be taken to the final cell in that particular column that contains information by doing this.
Ø Ctrl + Up Arrow: If you are in a cell in a column and you want to go to the first row of data in that column, just hit Ctrl + Up Arrow. You will be taken to the first occupied cell in the current column by performing this action.
Ø Ctrl + Home: This shortcut makes it simple to get to cell A1, which is located in the worksheet's upper-left corner. For example, to quickly return to the worksheet's beginning when working with a large dataset and finding yourself in a new cell, just hit Ctrl + Home.
Ø Ctrl + End: This shortcut takes you to the worksheet's last data-containing cell, which is in the row with the least amount of use on the right side.
As an example,
let's say you are working in cell A1 of your spreadsheet and the data spans
from A1 to D100. You can quickly navigate to D100, the worksheet's final
data-filled cell, by hitting Ctrl + End.
These shortcuts for navigation come in quite handy when you want to move quickly across your worksheet, especially if you work with large information. When compared to laborious scrolling, using these shortcuts has the potential to save a significant amount of time.
2. Selection Shortcuts: In
order to quickly highlight cells, rows, or columns in Excel, selection
shortcuts are quite helpful. These keyboard shortcuts make it easier to
streamline a variety of operations, including copying, moving, and formatting
data. Here are some instances of these incredible Selection Shortcuts for your
Ø Ctrl + Space: The entire column containing the active cell can be selected using this shortcut. Excel will automatically pick the entire column B, for example, if you hit Ctrl + Space when currently positioned at cell B3.
Ø Shift + Space: The selection of the full row containing the active cell is made possible by this shortcut. For example, in Excel, selecting the entire row 5 by hitting Shift + Space will pick the active cell D5.
Ø Ctrl + A: The full worksheet can be selected with this shortcut. For example, Excel will select all of the cells on the current sheet if you press Ctrl + A while anywhere in the worksheet.
When doing operations on entire rows or columns, such formatting, copying, or removing data, these shortcuts come in particularly handy. They provide a quick way to choose without having to click and drag by hand, which increases your productivity when using Excel.
3. Editing Shortcuts: Excel editing shortcuts are
essential for effectively altering data. These shortcuts cover a wide range of
operations, including pasting, copying, undoing, and more. Here are a few
instances of editing shortcuts:
Ø F2: By using this shortcut, you can edit the active cell directly without having to double-click. For example, you can select cell A1 and press F2 to change the data in cell A1. By doing this, you can enter edit mode and make direct changes to the cell's content.
Ø Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V: Cutting, copying, and pasting are often used operations in a variety of jobs. You can use some shortcuts to complete these tasks quickly. The steps for each activity are listed below.
Cut: Choose a cell or group of
cells to work with first. Then use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + X. The cut
content can then be pasted by navigating to the relevant location and pressing
Ctrl + V.
Copy: Likewise,
begin by choosing a cell or group of cells. To copy the selected content, press
Ctrl + C. To copy the content, move to the desired location and hit Ctrl + V.
By using these shortcuts, you can work with data or information more quickly and efficiently. Including these in your daily routine will increase your output and effectiveness.
Ø Ctrl + Z: The user can undo the last operation by using this shortcut. For example, Ctrl + Z can be used to undo formatting changes done by mistake or to recover deleted cells.
Ø Ctrl + Y: Users can reverse the most recent action that was undone by using this shortcut. For example, users can use the Ctrl + Z command to undo an activity and then the Ctrl + Y command to redo it.
Ø Ctrl + D: This particular shortcut is used to fill cells from the bottom up, copying the contents from the cell directly above to the cells that are marked. For example, if you have data in cell A1 and you want to copy it to cells A2, A3, and so on, you can accomplish that by choosing the range you want to copy to and then hitting the Ctrl + D key combination.
Ø Ctrl + R: By copying the content from the adjacent cell on the left, this shortcut fills the selected cells to the right.
If you have data in cell A1, for example, and you want to duplicate it to cells B1, C1, and so on, you may do this by choosing the range and using Ctrl + R.
Ø Ctrl + Enter: This handy shortcut makes it easier to enter data simultaneously in several chosen cells.
For example, if you have a range of cells chosen and you enter data in the active cell, using Ctrl + Enter will quickly enter the data in all of the selected cells.
Ø Alt + E, S, V (Paste Special): By pressing these keys together, you can open the Paste Special dialog box and choose from a variety of exact paste settings. For example, after copying a cell with Ctrl + C, you can launch Paste Special and choose values, formats, and other options by pressing Alt + E, S, and V. These editing shortcuts are a basic set of tools for working with data efficiently and streamlining your productivity in Excel.
4. Formatting Shortcuts: Excel formatting shortcuts are a great tool for quickly and easily applying formatting styles to cells or ranges. When looking to improve the visual display of your data, they can prove to be a useful time-saving tool. Here are some examples of shortcuts you can use for formatting:
Ø Ctrl +
B, Ctrl + I, Ctrl + U: Using bold,
italics, and underlining are quick ways to present text in an elegant way. Here
are a few instances:
- Choose a cell or range of cells and hit Ctrl + B to make the text
- Select a cell or range of cells, then hit Ctrl + I to italicize the text.
- Choose a cell or group of cells and hit Ctrl + U to underline the text.
Ø Ctrl + 1: You may quickly reach the Format Cells dialog box with several formatting choices by using this shortcut. For example, you may quickly change several formatting choices, including the number format, font style, borders, and more, by choosing a cell or range of cells and hitting Ctrl + 1.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + $: The cells that are now chosen will immediately have the currency format applied to them by using this shortcut. As an illustration, consider this: Press Ctrl + Shift + $ after selecting the cell or range of cells holding the data to format numerical data as currency.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + #: The date format is applied to the selected cells using this shortcut: To format the dates, select a cell or range of cells that contain date data and press Ctrl + Shift + #.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + %: The selected cells are formatted in percentage using this shortcut. Example: To format numbers as percentages, select a cell or range of cells holding numerical data and press Ctrl + Shift + %. By using these formatting shortcuts, you may instantly improve the look of your data without having to go through a lot of menu selections. They help to make Excel's formatting process more effective.
5. Workbook and Sheet Shortcuts: Excel workbook and sheet shortcuts are useful tools for efficiently handling many sheets. They make operations like opening, saving, and accessing workbooks easier. Here are a few instances to show you how beneficial these shortcuts may be:
Ø Ctrl + N: This keyboard shortcut makes it easier to start a new, blank worksheet. For example, users can quickly launch a new Excel workbook by pressing Ctrl + N.
Ø Ctrl + O: This keyboard shortcut makes it easier to open an already-created workbook. For example, you can choose and open an existing Excel file by pressing Ctrl + O to open the "Open Workbook" dialog box.
Ø Ctrl + S: The current workbook can be preserved more easily with the use of this shortcut. To save any changes you make to the current workbook, for example, hit Ctrl + S. If the file was produced lately, a prompt asking for the filename and place to be saved will show up.
Ø Ctrl + P: By using this shortcut, you may set the printing options for the sheet or workbook that is now open. The Print dialog box opens. Press the Ctrl + P keyboard shortcut to quickly access the Print options and modify the parameters to suit your needs before printing the current page or workbook.
Ø Ctrl + F: By using this shortcut, you can open the Find dialog box and perform focused searches for particular items on the sheet that is now open. To open the Find dialog, for example, use Ctrl + F. From there, you may enter a search query and browse through instances that are located in the sheet.
Ø Ctrl + H: By using this shortcut, you can open the Replace dialog box and search for and replace particular text in the current sheet. You can define a search word and its replacement, as well as traverse between instances identified in the sheet, by hitting Ctrl + H, for example, to launch the Replace window.
Ø Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down: Within the same workbook, users can switch between worksheets by using these keyboard shortcuts. To access the previous sheet, for example, use Ctrl + Page Up; to access the next sheet, use Ctrl + Page Down.
Ø Ctrl + Tab: With this shortcut, users can move between open workbooks quickly and easily. For example, you can quickly flip between different Excel worksheets that are open by pressing Ctrl + Tab.
Ø Ctrl + F4: This shortcut makes it easier to close the open workbook. For example, you can end the current workbook by pressing Ctrl + F4. Excel may give you a warning to save before closing if any changes have been made.
These keyboard shortcuts improve your workflow by helping you handle and browse Excel worksheets more skillfully.
6. Shortcuts for Cell Content: In order to make inputting, editing, and controlling the material inside cells easier, Excel has included cell content shortcuts. With the help of these shortcuts, you may quickly navigate through data, add new lines, and copy formulas. Take a look at the following instances of the different Excel cell content shortcuts:
Ø Alt + Enter: With this shortcut, users can start a new line in a cell. For example, if you are typing text into a cell and you want to move to the next line without switching to a new cell, just hit Alt + Enter after the first text line.
Ø Ctrl + ': This shortcut makes it possible to copy the formula from the cell directly above to the cell that is presently chosen. To replicate a formula, for example, that is in cell A1 and you want to put it in cell A2, you can select cell A2 and hit Ctrl +'(apostrophe). Excel will then automatically copy the formula from A1 to A2.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + "+": Depending on the selection, the next shortcut makes it easier to add a new cell, row, or column. For example, to put a new cell over an existing one in a column after selecting a cell, press Ctrl + Shift + "+".
Ø F2: You can edit the contents of the cell that is presently chosen with this shortcut. To change a particular cell's content, for example, select the cell and hit the F2 key to go to edit mode.
Ø Ctrl + ` (grave accent): With this shortcut, users can switch between the worksheet's cell values and formulas being displayed. Users can quickly flip between seeing formula results and seeing the actual formulas in the cells by pressing Ctrl +.
When handling large volumes of data or intricate calculations, these methods come in handy for effectively controlling cell content. They provide easy methods for navigating, editing, and working with the content within the cells.
7. Formula Shortcuts: Excel formula shortcuts are essential for productive work with functions and formulae. They include quick keys to open a formula, move around in formulas, and execute calculations. Here are a few instances of formula shortcuts in action:
Ø = (equal sign): This represents the basic short cut for starting a formula in a cell. For example, you would enter =A1+A2 and then hit the Enter key to get the total of the values in cells A1 and A2.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + “: " (colon): You can use this shortcut to add a range of cells' references to a formula. For example, you can enter the formula by selecting the range A1 to A10 and pressing Ctrl + Shift +, rather than typing "=SUM (A1:A10)" by hand.
Ø F9: With this shortcut, you can compute the current worksheet or a specific part of a formula. If your formula is complicated, for example, you can use the F9 key to compute just the component that you have selected. Alternatively, the complete formula can be calculated by pressing F9.
Ø Ctrl + ` (grave accent): You may quickly flip between seeing cell values and formulas in the spreadsheet by using this shortcut. For example, you can quickly switch between viewing formula results and viewing the actual formulas in the cells by pressing Ctrl +.
Ø Alt + =
(equal sign): This
shortcut makes it easier for a formula to be automatically generated so that
the total of the numbers in the column above the active cell may be determined.
For example, if you have numbers in column B and you want to know how much they add up to in cell B10, just choose cell B10 and hit Alt + =.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + $: This shortcut sets the selected cells in a formula to the specified currency format. To format the resultant value as currency, for example, when entering a calculation involving currency, select the cell in the formula and press Ctrl + Shift + $. The purpose of these formula shortcuts is to make working with and developing formulas in Excel easier. They are designed to increase productivity, save time, and make complex calculation administration and navigation easier.
8. Other Shortcuts: In Microsoft Excel, the "Other Shortcuts" category has a variety of shortcuts that might not fit into the pre-established categories. The following is a list of some short cuts that can be quite helpful:
Ø Ctrl + Tab: Using this shortcut, you may quickly cycle between open worksheets for efficient navigation. For example, you can quickly move between open Excel worksheets by using the Ctrl + Tab shortcut.
Ø Ctrl + F4: The active worksheet can be closed with this shortcut. For example, you can quickly close the active Excel workbook by using the shortcut Ctrl + F4. If changes have been made, a prompt to save them can show up.
Ø Ctrl + Space: The selection of the full column that corresponds to the active cell is made possible by this shortcut. For example, when a cell is selected, the cell's entire column will be highlighted when you hit Ctrl + Space.
Ø Shift + Space: By using this shortcut, you can choose the full row that corresponds to the active cell. For example, when you choose a cell, you may highlight the entire row that corresponds to that cell by using Shift + Space.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + "+": By using this shortcut, you can add a new cell, row, or column depending on what's currently selected. For example, to put a new cell above an already selected cell within a column, just press Ctrl + Shift + "+".
Ø Ctrl + 1: The Format Cells dialog box is accessible through this shortcut. For example, users can activate the Format Cells dialog box for the selected cells fast by hitting Ctrl + 1. They can change a number of formatting options here.
Ø Ctrl + P: The Print dialog box opens when you press this shortcut. For example, users can quickly access the Print options for the worksheet or workbook that is presently open by hitting Ctrl + P.
Ø Ctrl + Arrow keys: The boundaries of data areas can be efficiently navigated to with this set of shortcuts. For example, you can quickly navigate to the last column with data in the current row by hitting Ctrl + Right Arrow. Similarly, you can rapidly browse to the last row containing data in the current column by using Ctrl + Down Arrow.
These varied shortcuts have several uses and are very helpful for improving your Excel workflow. They make tasks like choosing, formatting, navigating, and overall workbook management easier.
Keep in mind that the shortcuts could differ slightly based on your Excel version and setup. In order to improve your productivity and match your tastes, you may also add or modify your own shortcuts in Excel.
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